26/04/2024  'Maintaining Healthy and Safety in the Workplace'



​Most of our daily time is at work, which directly or indirectly exposes us to various harmful risks. In Hadith, Rasulullahi Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam said, among the virtues and honours bestowed by Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala for those who are tired and exhausted from working to earn a living in order to meet the needs of themselves, his families or those who are under his responsibility is that Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala will erase his wrong doings. Therefore, in our daily work, we should always work in a safe and healthy way. This was among the matters highlighted in the Friday Sermon titled 'Maintaining Healthy and Safety in the Workplace'.


Among the measures recommended to employers to ensure that employee health and safety are always secure and protected are; to prepare a comprehensive emergency action plan as well as recovery measures to deal with emergency scenarios that may occur such as flash floods, landslide or forest fires. To ensure that the environment is always clean, tidy and orderly. For outdoor work or in hot places, the employees should be provided drinking water and suitable shady for resting place. Conduct regular health and safety inspections. And reduce or re-schedule heavy work during hot seasons.
